Starting Feburary 4th we will be moving to one Sunday gathering.

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The Power of Pentecost: Empowered to Impact

The Day of Pentecost holds great significance for every believer in Christ. It commemorates the coming of the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity, upon the early disciples. This outpouring of the Spirit not only marked the birth of the Church but also imparted extraordinary power and transformation to those who received it. Today, as followers of Jesus, we can draw valuable lessons from the Power of Pentecost and apply them to our lives, allowing the power of Pentecost to impact us in practical ways.

  1. Embrace the Promise: Pentecost reminds us of God’s faithfulness to fulfill His promises. Jesus had promised His disciples that they would receive power when the Holy Spirit came upon them (Acts 1:8). Just as the early disciples eagerly anticipated this promise, we too must open our hearts to receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit. Let us seek God in prayer, asking Him to fill us afresh with His Spirit, empowering us to live a life pleasing to Him.
  2. Surrender to God’s Spirit: Pentecost reveals the significance of surrendering to the leading of the Holy Spirit. The disciples were empowered to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them. This supernatural ability enabled them to boldly proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ to people from diverse backgrounds. Today, we can also experience the Holy Spirit’s guidance and empowerment as we surrender our lives fully to Him. Let us yield our desires, plans, and ambitions to the Spirit’s leading, trusting that He will equip us for the tasks He has called us to.
  3. Walk in Unity: The Day of Pentecost highlights the power of unity within the body of Christ. The disciples were gathered together in one accord when the Spirit descended upon them. This unity was instrumental in experiencing the outpouring of the Spirit’s power. Likewise, as believers today, we are called to live in harmony and love with one another. By cultivating unity in our churches, families, and communities, we create an environment where the Holy Spirit can work powerfully through us.
  4. Proclaim the Gospel: Pentecost serves as a reminder of our mission to share the gospel with the world. The disciples, filled with the Holy Spirit, boldly proclaimed the wonders of God in various languages. The result was the conversion of thousands. In our lives, we are called to be witnesses for Christ, sharing His love and message of salvation with those around us. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we can overcome fear, boldly proclaim the truth, and impact lives for eternity.

“When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.” – Acts 2:1-4 (NIV)

In summary:

a) Seek the infilling of the Holy Spirit through prayer, surrender, and a hunger for God.

b) Cultivate unity within your spheres of influence, fostering an environment where the Spirit can move powerfully.

c) Step out in faith, trusting the Holy Spirit to enable you to boldly proclaim the gospel to those around you.

d) Allow the Holy Spirit to guide your actions and decisions, surrendering your desires to His leading.

May the power of Pentecost transform our lives, empowering us to impact the world around us with the love and truth of Jesus Christ.

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Service Time Update

Starting February 4th


Join us this easter

April 2

Palm Sunday

9 & 11:15 AM

April 7

Good friday

9 & 11:15 AM

April 9

Easter Sunday

9 & 11:15 AM

April 2 - APRIL 9

DEVOtional journal

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