Throughout scripture, we see God reveal Himself to His people in various ways. From Genesis to Revelation God constantly gives us various names that describe His character. These names would spark encouragement, reverence and joy in times of uncertainty and pestilence. It is imperative we do the same as our forefathers – join with heaven’s song through the ages, sparking faith in troubled times.
EL, commonly heard as Elohim is a title that echoed through the Old Testament by Biblical authors. Typically, in Hebrew culture, Elohim would refer to a spiritual being – really any being. However, when used in scripture, the people of God knew without a shadow of doubt the authors were speaking about the God of their ancestors – the all Supreme One, the all Sovereign One, the Mighty and Strong one.
Commonly used as a suffix in scripture, the Hebrew authors used this as a signal of remembrance – God being the power over all powers, the One who is over all. Consider David, who called on El Elyon – God Most High, who fulfills his purpose. He needed to remind himself that in the midst of great threat and fear, the All Mighty, Most High God would keep his word concerning David.
We too, are called to this faith in times of calamity. Call on Elohim (God above all), or El Olam (The Everlasting God) when you are faced with terror or wavering faith. He has given us His character through His Word and continually fights for us as we see him work out salvation in our lives.