Starting Feburary 4th we will be moving to one Sunday gathering.


Ready and Waiting or Ready and Working?

The Parable of the Wise & Foolish Virgins
Matthew 25:1-13

Something worth noting is this parable’s position in the larger context of the Book of Matthew. Jesus isn’t sharing a collection of anecdotes or covering multiple topics in one shot. Instead, His narrative is pointed and very clear. In Chapter 24, Jesus foretells the destruction of the temple and signs for the end of the age. Verse 36 is a crucial summary statement for this narrative:

“But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only.”

As we move into chapter 25, Jesus begins to share the Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins. Five were prepared and had their lamps trimmed, five were not – and in their hurry to buy oil at the last minute, the doors were closed to the marriage feast. They missed their opportunity to see the Groom. Jesus reiterates that no one knows the day or the hour, impressing on his disciples the importance of being prepared. 

Without any preamble, Jesus begins the Parable of the Talents. But He isn’t changing topics. It’s all about the Second Coming. The workers are all given varying amounts of talents and are asked to give an account of what they’ve done with it when the master returns. Chapter 25 ends with Jesus talking about the Final Judgement. 

The warning is two-fold for the listeners. First, we need to be prepared, keeping our lamps trimmed and ready for the dark hours of the night. The Groom will arrive for his bride at any moment, and we don’t want to miss out. Second, there’s work to be done. We aren’t just standing idly by, waiting for the return of Christ. We’re to occupy, evangelize and disciple the nations until the triumphant return of our King. 

More than ready and waiting, let’s be ready and working. For no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only.

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Service Time Update

Starting February 4th


Join us this easter

April 2

Palm Sunday

9 & 11:15 AM

April 7

Good friday

9 & 11:15 AM

April 9

Easter Sunday

9 & 11:15 AM

April 2 - APRIL 9

DEVOtional journal

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