Starting Feburary 4th we will be moving to one Sunday gathering.

The Best Kind of Gift

The Best Kind of Gift

I’ll admit it: I like receiving gifts. 

Unwrapping or unboxing something new is always exciting for me. What is it? Is it something useful and practical? Or is it something fun? Is it chocolate? 

Every gift brings with it a new possibility, because whatever is inside that package has its own purpose or use. Plus, it serves as a reminder that the gift-giver took the time to think about me, pick something out and generously give it. 

Through the Holy Spirit, God has given gifts to every believer. These spiritual gifts have the ultimate purpose: build up the body, share the Gospel and impact the world around us. 

The Book of Acts is one of the best examples of God’s people coming together and stewarding their gifts for the sake of others. One author describes this time in the church’s history as “the church at its best.” Under immense persecution and cultural pressure, the word was faithfully preached, believers gathered, and lives were transformed. 

In the early church, God’s Spirit was moving. Believers were being filled with the Spirit and impacting the world around them through the gifts. 

Take a look at Acts 2:43: “the church was filled with awe; many wonders and signs were being done by the apostles.” 

We see this echoed in Paul’s letters to the church in Corinth.

1 Corinthians 12:4-7 ESV

Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone. To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.

The CEV translates verse 7 this way: “The Spirit has given each of us a special way of serving others”.

Deep down inside of you, God has gifted you with spiritual gifts to build up the body. Maybe you have the gift of teaching and can help train new people when they join the team or you can share the Gospel in Sunday School. Perhaps you have the gift of knowledge, and the Lord gives you words to share with people as they walk into the atrium. These gifts require identifying and stewarding. 

“The Spirit has given each of us a special way of serving others”.

You have a unique call that God has equipped you for. 

These gifts have endless possibilities. They’re not limited to the four walls of the church. Our gifts are a part of who we are, and they’re meant to be used to impact the world around us. How is God calling you to use your spiritual gifts in your home? How about your workplace? What about in your community? Better yet, how can you partner with others to share in the work and see others impacted by the Gospel? 

At GKM, we offer a course a few times a year called the Serve Course. It’s a space where you can discover your spiritual gifts, understand your personality and see where you can find a place to use those gifts and talents to impact others and share the Gospel. 

If you don’t know your spiritual gifts or how to use them, I encourage you to sign up for Serve! You’ll come away with practical tools and find a place to make a difference. 

“The Spirit has given each of us a special way of serving others”.

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Service Time Update

Starting February 4th


Join us this easter

April 2

Palm Sunday

9 & 11:15 AM

April 7

Good friday

9 & 11:15 AM

April 9

Easter Sunday

9 & 11:15 AM

April 2 - APRIL 9

DEVOtional journal

Available in the GKM APP