Starting Feburary 4th we will be moving to one Sunday gathering.


The Lost Sheep, Coin & Son

In Luke 15, the parables of the lost sheep, coin, and son (verses 3-24) are carefully bookended by the grumbling Pharisees & scribes (verses 1-2) and the obedient son who was jealous and angry at his brother’s celebration (verses 25-32). Although these parables are such beautiful illustrations of Christ’s pursuing love for us and the Father’s open arms toward us, Jesus was actually using these parables as a sharp rebuke toward the “righteous…who needed no repentance” (or so they thought). The brother who stayed home was an obedient, hardworking son and, if we really think about it, we can sympathize with his anger and jealousy:

“I’ve been so faithful, so obedient. I’ve tried my hardest to please you, Father, and yet this sinner who wasted their life and suddenly decides to turn to you, gets so much attention, celebration, and gifts?? How is that fair?!”

Although his brother was the one squandering and wandering from home, it seems as if the “obedient son” was himself lost and in need of repentance; for in all his faithful years of hard work, he never truly knew his Father. It seems as if he was spending so much time and effort trying to please his Father that he didn’t really spend much time with his Father. Instead of rejoicing over the return of his long-lost brother, or even leading a search party while he was still missing, he became jealous, embittered, and angry, feeling overlooked and under-appreciated.

Do you share the heart of the Father in seeking out and welcoming the lost home?

Do you passionately pursue them, loving and praying for them along the way?

Or have you simply become a “busy believer”, getting things done and complaining to God about the imperfect people around you?

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Service Time Update

Starting February 4th


Join us this easter

April 2

Palm Sunday

9 & 11:15 AM

April 7

Good friday

9 & 11:15 AM

April 9

Easter Sunday

9 & 11:15 AM

April 2 - APRIL 9

DEVOtional journal

Available in the GKM APP