Provided by the Eastern Ontario and Nunavut District of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada.
Special Business Meeting for Election of Pastoral Candidate
Chair: Rev. Jason Luscombe (District Superintendant)
1. Opening and Call to Order:
2. Roster Report – Quorum
3. Appointment of Recording Secretary
4. Establish a Voting Bar
5. Appointment of Scrutineers
6. Distribution of ballots
7. Brief outline of transition and next steps based on the result of the ballots.
9. Prayer for the decision
10. Marking of Ballots
11. Collection and Tabulation of Ballots
12. Chair receives the ballot result and reports to the candidate in private
13. Public report of the ballot result
14. Response of the Candidate
15. Concluding Prayer
16. Motion to Destroy Ballots
17. Adjournment